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Virgil Otto Hafen

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Virgil Otto Hafen
Herron Art Institute painting
(Springville, Utah, 1887 - 1949, Salt Lake City, Utah)

This Springville, Utah painter studied first with his father, John Hafen and then later at Brigham Young University with E.H. Eastmond before going on for additional work at the Herron Art Institute in Indianapolis; painting with his father in the Brown County Art Colony in Indiana; studying abroad at the Colorossi and Grand Chaumiere Academies in Paris (after an LDS mission in Europe); and working as an instructor in the School of Architecture and Allied Arts at the University of Oregon. Virgil Hafen wasn't as talented as his father, as a realist/tonalist landscape painter, but there are some excellent works in oil on canvas by him, mostly in Springville (b. October 14; d. October 5)

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