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Carl Frederick Gaertner

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Carl Frederick Gaertner

(Cleveland, OH, 1898 - 1952, Cleveland, OH)

Carl Gaertner was born in Cleveland on April 18, 1898. He graduated from East Technical high school in 1918 and attended Western Reserve College. In high school he studied mechanical design, but by his senior year had decided to make painting his primary study. The Akron Art Museum currently holds three paintings by Gaertner. Featured in the McDowell galleries is Riverside Plant an oil on canvas painted in 1927-28 which was exhibited at the Cleveland Museum of Art Annual Exhibit of the Cleveland Artists and Craftsmen from April 25-June 3, 1928. Also in the Akron collection is 'Summer Kitchen a gouache on fiberboard painting done in 1947 and The Commuter an oil on fiberboard painting done in 1945 which shows a man standing on a train platform and is based on sketches Gaertner did while riding the train to New York City to visit his art dealer. Gaertner was an important Cleveland artist who was just achieving national acclaim before his early death at the age of 54.

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