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(Aaron) Wayne Johnson

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(Aaron) Wayne Johnson

(Springville, UT, 1872 - 1950, Springville, UT)

The Utah County area produced many artists of merit. The accomplishments of Wayne Johnson of Springville, Utah, make up a notable example. He studied at Brigham Young University and the University of Utah before concluding his art training at the University of California Berkeley. Johnson was the art supervisor of the Nebo Public Schools for eight years before accepting a position as department head and curator of the Springville High School Art Gallery for the next quarter century. Also the painter (oils and watercolors) of familiar landscape scenes drawn from surrounding farm and canyon country, Wayne Johnson is remembered by past students as a constructive critic of their works and by a more general community as the man responsible for the founding of his gallery's well-known April Salon. Johnson's own work as a painter is essentially realistic and color impressionist in character.

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