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Jane Freeman

(Newton, England, 1885 - 1963, Park Ridge, New Jersey )

Jane Freeman was a portrait painter and artist born in England in 1871. Her mother brought her to the United States at the age of three. She began her career as a model for many portrait painters, and then later as an illustrator for magazines. This led her to having to create portraits of herself as well as various other individuals. She studied in Paris with a well-known Polish portrait painter, Olga de Bonzanska and at the Academie de la Grande Chaumiere. Freeman spent most of her life in New York City, living at Carnegie Hall, Beaux Arts Studios, and the Van Dyke Studio. Her summers were spent painting in the at colonies of Provincetown and Rockport, where she owned a cottage for almost 30 years. She was primarily known for her portraits, especially those of high profile individuals, including but not limited to Albert Schweizer, Mother Cabrini, Louise Hunter and others. Her work was primarily done in oils, but some of her most liked pieces were charcoal and chalk. Even one of her watercolors received a prize from the National Association of Women Painters and Sculptors in 1928. Before falling ill, she was an active member and officer of the Allied Artists of American, the National Society of Women Painters and Sculptors, the Art Alliance of America, the Hudson Valley Art Association and a long list of other organizations. She received many awards, prizes and recognition on a national and world wide scale.

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