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Leland S. Curtis

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Leland S. Curtis

(Denver, CO, 1897 - 1989, Carson City, NV)

Leland S Curtis was an American artist, mountaineer, skier, environmentalist and Antartic explorer. He was born in Colorado and lived in Washington as a child. When he was 17 he moved to Los Angeles and atteneded the Manual Arts High School and was taught by Rob Wagner. Curtis went on to be the official artist for the United States Antartic Service Expedition of 1939, 1955, and 1957. Curtis was a member of the Sierra club and a founding member of its Ski Mountaineers Section. He served on their board of directors from 1943 to 1946 and during that time he illustrated many Sierra Club publications. His paintings reflect his travels, most of them being scenes of Antartica, the High Sierra, the Grand Tetons and the deserts of southwestern United States.

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