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Santiago Michalek

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Santiago Michalek

(Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1978 – )

The artist began his adult life restoring vintage Volkswagen bugs and buses. He was fascinated by the emotional attachment that his clients had with their old vehicles. His current work as a painter calls forth that same nostalgia except instead of using wrenches and welders he’s using paint and canvas to revive the narratives that exist under rusted metal frames and worn out engines. Santiago Michalek was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. His artistic ability presented itself early in life, following the influence of his grandfather, who introduced him to drawing. Santiago recalls how, as a child, he and his grandfather drew horses together. Those moments sparked a lifelong passion and he has been advancing his craft as a painter ever since. Though Santiago’s paintings naturally reflect his love for all things vintage, he also enjoys painting and a broad range of subjects, particularly the human figure. In his work as a figurative painter, Santiago strives to capture the essence of day-to-day existence, rendering unforgettable figurative images that tell a story of a day in the life of its subject; whether it be a blacksmith, machinist, train engineer, or a sculptor.

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