(William) Dean Fausett does not have an image.
(William) Dean Fausett
(Price, UT, 1913 - 1998, Rutland City, VT)
This able painter, the younger brother of Lynn Fausett, became the better known nationally of those two Price, Utah—born artists. Having studied early at Brigham Young University, Dean went on to attend courses under the direction of Kenneth Hays Miller at the Art Students League (where Lynn served as president from 1932 to 1936), and at the Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center. Through all this and beyond, he developed a much freer and more open stylistic approach than his brother's more controlled muralist's technique. Dean Fausett then carried on a highly successful career as an award-winning painter, printmaker, and teacher outside of Utah. After earlier years residing in New York, he was a longtime resident of Vermont and is represented in a multitude of well-known museum collections throughout the country. Honored in Utah as well, in 1947 Dean Fausett was the subject of a Salt Lake Art Center show, which took place a little under ten years after the return of his elder brother to this state in 1938.